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/Technology Resources

Technology seems to be progressing as fast as the speed of light these days, so I just wanted to share my small collection of technology resources for teachers. Enjoy!

​This website in particular is LEGIT - very thorough and useful site about integrating technology in education:


As our fearless leader, Daniel Pitcock, always emphasizes - technology isn't to be incorporated for technology's sake - focus on students using technology to PRODUCE, because this will be the expectation for them in their future education and their future careers.


Here are a few sites and/or apps that can be very helpful!


  • - graphic organizer with text AND images!
  • - very student-friendly site to create amazing presentations with tons of options for student-choice!
  • - students can create online slideshows
  • ​ - students can synthesize their research in a complex web of information to share with the world
  • ​ , , or - students can use either of these sites to create videos
  • ​ - students can create animated videos about their learning
  • ​ - students can create speaking avatars!
  • ​ - students can turn drawings into a video!
  • ​ - students can create a picture book for ANY content area learning!
  • ​ - students can create their own eBooks to compile their learning in any subject area!
  • ​ - this is a web-based word processor specifically for students


Remember, it's important to consider the level at which student learning is happening in relation to Bloom's when integrating technology.

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